May 13, 2006

Learning a little something every day -
jus primae noctis

Apparently, my co-worker, Jack, has invoked this right, based on helping Kathryn, an engaged co-worker, put together her new bike. (This is the kind of office I work in.)

In fact the jus primae noctis was, in the European late medieval context, a widespread popular belief in an ancient privilege of the lord of a manor to share the bed with his peasants' newlywed brides on their wedding nights. Symbolic gestures, reflecting this belief, were developed by the lords and used as humiliating signs of superiority over the dependent peasants in a time of disappearing status differences. Actual intercourse on behalf of the alleged right is difficult to prove. It probably never occurred.

Wikipedia :: Droit de seigneur (or jus primae noctis)

(Thank you, Bradley, for edumacating me. I'd no idea.)

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