May 04, 2004

The new Friendster? | An art project/social experiment

Artist Andrew Van Hook's Urban Pioneer Project (UPP) is creating a place in history for modern city dwellers. The Web-based project is
essentially an archive of individuals' lives, complete with photos of
personal spaces, lists of refrigerator contents, and responses to a
series of questions that include 'Dream job' and 'Favorite restaurant,'
among many others. Urban Pioneers apply to join via the website and,
upon being accepted, are given a number and certificate and are then
expected to complete a profile that gives voyeurs a glimpse into their
lives. However, only other Urban Pioneers can view these slide
show-formatted profiles. Other perks to being a Pioneer include access
to Urban Pioneer parties, gallery openings, online content, and social
and professional networking opportunities.

While less selective networking sites, such as Friendster and MySpace, are growing to monster proportions, the application-necessary UPP illustrates the burgeoning demand for filtration, as well as a desire for online interaction that leads to in-person experiences. Van Hook does not want the project to grow infinitely and plans on putting a halt on the applicant pool when it gets too large.

While Van Hook first got the word out about the UPP through silhouette imaged stickers plastered all over New York City, the stickers are now making international appearances in cities such as Berlin, Buenos Aires, and London, and those in-the-know are signing up.

The Urban Pioneer Project

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