August 21, 2003

Ah. If only all political commentary was this funny.

This little gem, from Jorge at, arrived in my mailbox this morning:

Arnold Schwarzenegger Goes Straight To Video

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a little known California politician, has made the first commercial of his gubernatorial campaign available on his website. It's not the surprisingly violent finger jabbing that scares me; it's the fact that the ad makes it look like the man has fangs. I also wish they could have found a more flattering photograph of Maria Shriver for the homepage:
Join Arnold!

Who should you vote for, given the opportunity? The porn star, of course. Apologies to the more sensitive among you, but please admit that she has some brilliant planks in her platform, including taxing breast implants and limiting jury duty to the unemployed. It's all right here:
Mary Carey for Governor

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