May 03, 2006

Milwaukee Immigrant March

For my co-workers who didn't have their cameras at the time.

Milwaukee Immigrant March - a photoset on Flickr


Anonymous said...

BB: your blog is nice, but (I don't know why) your feed is un-interesting, un-glamorous, un-etc, etc.

I want to send you what it look like in FeedDemon so you can see it with your own eyes.

I guess the problem is Blogger...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photos, BB! Much obliged.

bb said...

My first instinct was to be really pissy with you since I was having a bad day, and you've mentioned this feed thing twice now. My blog is just a hobby, and it's free for me and for you, so being chastised for it is unpleasant. But, I decided to take the high road and investigate.

The reason my blog looks like crap in FeedDemon is that Blogger has an atom feed. FeedDemon doesn't support it. So, I've added a FeedBurner (orange) icon at the bottom right of my links. It's still not going to be glamorous, but it will work for most feeds. You can try it. If it doesn't work, que sera sera. Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

BB: Don't take it bad, because I like your blog very much, but I have to go to the browser to see it in all its glory.

I not sure about the Atom thing, because FeedDemon 2 is a first rate reader, and is supposed to work wih atom feeds.

Do you have an email address?

I only want to help you, and maybe other users in the Blogger community can help.

Anonymous said...

BB: I test your feed in other feedReader, and the same problem is in all of them.

I think that the problem is that you are publishing some sort of "excerpts" of the post instead of the post itself (I repeat, I'm no expert in Blogger, maybe other reader can help)

bb said...

Now it's a mystery I must solve as soon as I have time to troubleshoot it.

Last night I added the RSS feed and switched my template settings to show titles properly. Per your suggestion, I just changed my settings to display full posts rather than teasers. And I've been trawling the Blogger boards to figure out what the problem is, but, so far, no real insight. I'll get to the bottom of it!


bb said...

btw - I can't believe you signed up for a Blogger account to figure out the problem. That's hilarious. And sweet. Thanks. :)