April 21, 2006

I'm going to be an aunt today!

My long-distance roommate and little Swiss soul sister, Tina "swissmiss" Roth-Eisenberg, is having my long-distance niece today! This girl is a wild ride, I tell you. One day, you meet someone at a design conference in Chicago, then suddenly (a few years later) you're at her wedding on a mountaintop in Switzerland, then you're sitting in your living room in Milwaukee, blogging about how she's having a baby in New York. I tell ya, Swiss friends are a handful. They require maps. Lots and lots of maps. ;)

For those of you that came here from her blog, I'll do my best to entertain you. But, don't worry. She'll be back on her computer before you know it. She can't help herself.

(Good luck, T. I love you, and I can't wait to see my new munchkin LD-N...)


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