October 25, 2005

And people wonder why I'm phobic about grown people in costumes.

...Upon returning to his spot a day after his arrest, [Mr. Harper] conceded that things are tense these days among the characters, who form cliques and alliances to defend their turf and make money. Mr. Harper, for example, says his Elmo is a foe of Batman and Superman, but in cahoots with Mr. Incredible, SpongeBob SquarePants and at least one of the half-dozen Spider-Men who prowl the street.

Members of Elmo's clique often pose in pictures together and split tips when the dollars are flowing. Because many of the costumes have no pockets, wads of cash are often visibly clenched in characters' hands. But as a Saturday stroll down the boulevard showed, other characters are alone and adrift, often wearing ragged costumes and seeming to horn in on others' turf.

WSJ.com :: Hollywood Boulevard Just Isn't Big Enough For Elmo and Friends

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You scooped Morning Edition since they didn't report on this until 10/26! NPR is soooo behind BB-Blog.