January 21, 2004

Interesting time wasters.

From Flavorpill LA -- it's kinda like a real life Best In Show:

Judy Fiskin's hilarious and slightly damning video documentary 50 Ways to Set the Table chronicles the critical insights of the judges at the LA County Fair's annual -- and deadly serious -- table-setting competition. Kitschy and entertaining as stand-alone cinema (as evidenced by a recent Best in Festival Prize from the 2003 Berkeley Film & Video Festival), the work also forms a tidy allegory for the oft-suspect endeavor of fine art criticism, itself criticized for proffering value judgments based on arbitrary and insular criteria. All in good fun, of course.

Judy Fiskin | 50 Ways to Set the Table

While you're there, check out her other films. 'Specially the one with the cat. (How do you teach a cat to do that?)

Judy Fiskin | Other videos

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