June 23, 2003

I wish I could take the day off.

Just to read all these "toothpaste for dinner" cartoons. I'd be a much happier girl.

toothpaste for dinner drawing archives
On a mini road trip to Indianapolis this weekend (happy birthday, Doreen!), my friend Lorraine brought along some old Trip Shakespeare CDs. I loved TS. I think I love these guys (two of the TS members) more now, just because of the web site. Take this sidebar comment for instance:

the Flops are not gay.

In fact they are so straight that they almost go around to the other side of the spectrum and become gay again.

But the fact remains that these two men constantly want all women and are only impaired in having them due to being married.

John Munson and Matt Wilson ARE the Flops!

June 19, 2003

God, I'm so happy I can read

...if only to enjoy this gem from The Independent newspaper (via MeFi) -- results of a competition to write the best beginning to an imaginary novel in 50 words or less.

(This is an astounding one, especially considering the author is 9 years old:

I cannot quite remember when it started. I was probably about nine or 10. All I can remember is that when it started, I quite enjoyed it. No one told me I was playing dangerously.)

The Independent | Opening Gambits

June 13, 2003

I can't explain it.
It's just an amazing site. You have to see it.

June 10, 2003

About as close to a Star Trek communicator as we've gotten so far. From TechExtreme.com (via zfilter.com):
Rarely is an invention so unique, so visceral and so simple that in 15 seconds most people who experience it realize it could alter everyday life.
Sound That Focuses Only On You

June 09, 2003

The Office.
Okay. I now have to watch this show. The commercials alone are hilarious. The fact that I got the link from an ad on The Smoking Gun just seals the deal.
BBC America - The Office Rules

June 06, 2003

Bummer. This just in...
I guess it's now a battle of unreliable sources -- Hello! magazine vs Fox News.

[...]As for Keanu doling out the big bucks, here's the real story: Two years ago he put some of his upfront money back into the production budget to ensure the creative staff -- costumes, special effects etc. -- could continue working on the trilogy. This was back when the first Matrix had not yet hit pay dirt. Since then, believe me, the movies have been such a success that everyone's gotten what they needed.

But Keanu has not written any personal checks to anyone. Sorry.

June 05, 2003

It's just cruel...
To put out a trailer this funny for a movie that's not coming out for another YEAR...
The Incredibles

June 04, 2003

Messing with stock photography.
I don't know why, but I find this charming in a twisted sort of way.
Crap actor. Great gesture.
Point Break? Johnny Mnemonic? SO bad. But, if this is true, I almost have to forgive the guy his acting indiscretions just for being a nice guy.

June 03, 2003

Proof that your signature means nothing.
I'm just too chicken to try this. But I'm glad someone did.
The Credit Card Prank