August 20, 2014

Apple's tribute to Robin Williams (nicely done, Apple)

I was never a big Robin Williams fan, but I've been genuinely moved by the endless tales of how genuinely kind and lovely he was. (We should all hope to be spoken of so highly and fondly.)

Anyway -- there's no date on Creativity's post, so I'm not sure when this went up. But what a really lovely, perfectly branded tribute to a kooky man who made a lot of people very happy.

Last night, Apple CMO Phil Schiller tweeted the brand's simple but moving online tribute to the late Robin Williams. The basic black and white design evokes the feel of Apple's classic spot the "Crazy Ones" -- featuring a company of great minds Mr. Williams would easily fit into. The ad's name also happens to be the same as the CBS sitcom for which he put on his final show.
Apple's Simple Tribute to Robin Williams - Creativity Online

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