March 29, 2014

My post-a-day challenge with Tasty Mayhem.

Like me, food blogger and Facebook pal, Jennifer, is feeling neglected-blog guilt, so she put out a challenge -- "Anyone want to join me in a posting challenge? Once a day?" A little healthy competition might provide some much-needed incentive for both of us, so I took her up on it. It's on, Jennifer. At least one post a day.

To see if we keep each other honest, hop on over to her lovely food blog:

Tasty Mayhem
Tasty Mayhem | Eating since 1967…

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Thanks for the shout out! I got in a new post today with a recipe. Generating lots of ideas. Taking my camera with me where I go so I don't have to rely on my third gen iphone. LOL.
