July 18, 2012

Comic-Con Art: Story Posters by Mark Gonyea

For those of you that don't know me, I'm unabashedly nerdy. I love Doctor Who and Torchwood and Battlestar Galactica and Firefly and Buffy. I have SyFy favorited. I've known the Three Laws of Robotics since I was 10. You get the gist. Soooo, I just got back from my third San Diego Comic-Con, a joyous four-day celebration/circus of sci fi, comics, video games, TV, movies, indie press, art... SO much great stuff, if you're a total dork like me.

ANYway – while roaming the aisles, I saw a booth with these amazing design-y nerdy prints by Mark Gonyea. Less than $10 (!!!), signed by the artist and so, so, so full of win. I picked up the following for my pals at work. There are loads more, and he has an etsy shop. I highly recommend you check him out for the nerd in your life.

p.s. I totally saw Martin Freeman, whom I lovelovelove in Sherlock. He was there because he's got a little film coming out this December.

Mark Gonyea's Story Posters


  1. Nowadays you can find lots of shops offering great deal of patterns that will certainly tickle your fancy in decorating every room of your house. It can be your child's nursery room, your own family room or maybe your kitchen.

  2. I LOVED his booth! I didn't see POW, but I'll be sure to get that next year. I stumbled on your blog trying to figure out ALL the squares in "Fan...". We have most of them identified, we just need a few more..
