August 05, 2011

Sokoblovsky Farms | Russia's Finest Purveyors of Miniature Lap Giraffes

Size: adult is 76 centimeters, baby is 15 centimeters tall. Weight is 4.5kg unless the giraffe is fat cow then 5.44kg

Diet: distilled water and bonsai tree leaves

Health problems: none. They are the best.

: 420 days

Living conditions: PLG’s love being indoors in filtered air conditioning. If they can listen to music of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov it is dream.

Grooming: a bubble bath once a week with purified water is all they need.

Sokoblovsky Farms - Russia's Finest Purveyors of Miniature Lap Giraffes

(Yes, it's a joke. It's a brilliant promotional site for DirecTV.)

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