Just launched yesterday, swissmiss' temporary tattoos are already brainbendingly hot. I repeat – the store just launched YESTERDAY, people, and it's already been picked up by Gawker, Gizmodo, Laughing Squid, Kottke, ItsNiceThat, Design You Trust ... even Oprah. (Yeah, that's right – OPRAH, BITCHEZ.)
Now go get yourself a tatt before they're all sold out. Go, go.
Molto kudos to Tina and her team, Rusty and Yoko. Such a great job! Well done.
Tattly™ Designy Temporary Tattoos — Welcome
I love the Tattly tatts I got and think the one I sported this past weekend http://katespov.blogspot.com/2011/08/my-tattly-tatts.html looked fabulous.