May 27, 2011

The most heartbreaking thing I've ever read.

I normally wouldn't do this because my blog is unabashedly about designy, funny, joyful things, but I CANNOT stop thinking about this. Let me start by saying I don't actually know Melissa Bissing. I saw a tweet by a friend of hers, linked to Mel's twitter account (@mbissing) and started reading her blog. She's a local woman who's been keeping a blog about her triplets since they were born.

In the last week, her blog has become of the most brutally honest, terrifying, heartbreaking things I've ever read.

Mel and Doug, her husband, have been in the hospital the last six days, following an (as yet unidentified) illness or accident. Owen, one of the triplets, has been in a coma and will not recover.

Mel's "mommy blog" has suddenly become an online journal, and it's beautiful and gut wrenching.

The question of what to do (organ donation), how to stay strong for her other little ones, how much of Owen's siblings' identity is tied up in being triplets, how she will react when someone mentions how cute her "twins" are – hundreds of questions I'd never even think to ask – she's writing about it all. Her writing style is so lovely, and her attitude so incredible, that reading it is an exercise in humanity.

Even if you can't bear to read her blog, if you have a moment, you might want to stop by to offer condolences or share a kind word. This is a strong, amazing young woman, but I think every tiny bit of kindness will help in the coming days.

Three Times the Fun | I don't suffer from insanity … I enjoy every minute of it!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this wonderful post. Though it is over a year ago since this all happened, I still think back to all those who read my story as it was taking place. Knowing that others were reading gave me strength and peace. Thank you again for the undeserving compliments and kind words. Blessings always. Love, Mel
