February 23, 2011

20x200 Gift Certificate - $100 for $59

As a fan of both 20x200 and One King's Lane, I thought I'd post this.

One Kings Lane - 20x200 Gift Certificate, $100 for $59

btw - One King's Lane membership is free. It's like Groupon for house-y stuff.
If you join (which means getting their daily sales email), I'd love it if you used me as your referral source by double clicking on this here hot link.


  1. Hi there! I used your email as a referral when I signed up- it seemed the link at the bottom of your post didn't work... Hope that was okay! Thanks for the post- some good deals in there.

  2. Thanks, Krissy! I appreciate the referral and the heads up that the link was broken. Hope you find some good deals. I got a great deal on some Denyse Schmidt quilts myself. :)

  3. I subscribed, but decided to unsubscribe since the merchandise was too pricey for me, and their emails were too frequent. I have tried several times to unsubscribe, but I continue to get daily emails from them. Not cool.
