January 18, 2011


I've posted about this shop before, but I've got to give a personal shout out to Ms. Angela over at BeatUpCreations.

I've ordered from her Etsy shop twice now. The first time was to buy pressies for my hosts on my recent trip to England. This time, I placed a custom order for this plate. (I gave the others away and couldn't stand it - I finally had to have my own.)

Angela, you're a recycling rockstar.

Unloved Thrown Out and Abandoned Creations by by BeatUpCreations


  1. Love it! And I know what you mean about wanting to re-order for yourself after giving as gifts. I have to do the same with some of my Etsy Christmas finds -- they ended up being the best-loved gifts this year.

  2. I saw her stuff from a post of regretsy and loved it!! If I didn't live so far away (with extravagent postage costs) I would fill my cupboards with her pieces.

  3. I love it! I went into their site and saw the Zombie girl plates! Wow!! So Original! I'm not a designer, but i really find your posts interesting! :)

  4. yeah im not a designer but i love this, thank you
