November 09, 2009

Angels above Berlin.

What an incredible day to be in Berlin. This is just one of the performances earlier today, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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Along the former border between the Brandenburger Gate and Potsdamer Platz living angels have settled on the city’s rooftops.

Wings spread wide, they observe the faraway human life down on the ground, they observe events in Berlin on the twentieth anniversary of the day the wall came down:
A silent encounter, a silent circle of angels.

A poetic image for the peaceful reunion of a once-divided city.

A performance installation by Theater Anu and Bartel’s living statues.

Official Angel above Berlin site

(via 2009 jahre mauerfall)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and very touching! Can't really grasp that 20 years have passed already - but it is as it should be. Thank you for this post, B!
