October 15, 2009

I like to think of Jesus as a mischievous badger, too.

I didn't actually believe these were real until I tried one myself. The pic below is a screen cap I just took.

Most Inappropriate Google Suggests Of All Time


  1. hahaha, hilarious! thank the baby jesus for inventing screen caps.

  2. thanks for this ... just made my day!

  3. that is hilarious!!! :)

  4. I like to think of Jesus like with giant eagles wings, and singin' lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk.

  5. I came here after trying to figure out if you really get the auto complete about Jesus as a mischievous badger... and well, what can I say except that holy cow it's true.

    Also: who knew there were so many people out there thinking about Harriet Tubman? It's kind of nice to know she has so many fans out there.
