January 08, 2009

Help Save Handmade Toys.

If you're a fan of handmade toys, you might want to take a minute to vote to amend the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).

In August 2008, after numerous incidents of unsafe toys imported from China, Congress passed the CPSIA to hold manufacturers accountable for ensuring their toys are safe. Unfortunately, the act, as written, does not exempt small businesses (such as Etsy sellers) from the same expensive testing and labeling standards as large manufacturers.

The Act goes into effect February 10, so please act now. Thanks!

Get more info here:
Help Save Handmade Toys in the USA from the CPSIA ‎:: Handmade Toy Alliance‎

Vote here:
Change.org :: Save Small Business From the CPSIA
(click the VOTE button at the upper left of the article)

(Riding giraffe available at Mahar Drygoods, a retailer and supporter of gorgeous handmade and vintage toys.)

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