March 16, 2008

Monster Factory.

I do have a soft spot for odd little plushies. And this place has got squillions of them.

monster factory

(via Griffin & Hoxie)


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Nice to see a fellow odd plush creatures out there. These things are too cute. It'd be fun to have an army of them.

  2. Anonymous7:18 PM

    I mangled that first sentence. What I get for moving to quickly. It'll just have to remain another digital example of my frequent clumsiness. It's got a surreal quality to it though.

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Guess what my 6m old son will get next week :)
    God bless you!

  4. Anonymous6:15 PM

    the best part - Pickly, their spokespickle.

  5. Haha I love their descriptions, especially Todd's. "Todd puts undue pressure on himself to succeed. It makes him walk too fast." Haha.
