January 09, 2008

Now this man knows how to write a headline.

American kids, dumber than dirt

Warning: The next generation might just be the biggest pile of idiots in U.S. history

Read the story here

p.s. It reminded me of this drawing by Marc Johns.


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM


    that article is supremely harsh.

    thanks for the post and for tempering it with a little bit of humor!

  2. Yes, it's definitely harsh. Like the author, I've seen plenty of bright, game-playing, TV-watching 20-somethings come into our company with serious brains and skills. And, even though I'm a card-carrying member of the TV addict society, I don't think I'm too terribly damaged. But, with teachers in my family, I did find the cries of despair a bit familiar. Literacy and critical thinking skills really are plummeting. I think posts like this really help spotlight the problems - especially with this insane testing obsession. It definitely seems like that needs to change drastically before the system will get any better.

    But, that aside - I just really, really love that headline.

  3. Anonymous5:21 PM

    They expect me to read all those fancy words? Is there a podcast version?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
