November 08, 2007

The Dalai Lama's ride.

Daaaaang. Check out this eBay charity auction. How excellent would it be to ride around in the Dalai Lama's 1966 Land Rover Station Wagon? SO excellent. And getting to hang out with the DL for three days?? Excellent x 100.

(However, I would NOT want to hang out with Sharon Stone. That shouldn't be part of the package.)

This is one of the most unique and special listings ever on eBay. Bid to own the personal vehicle the Dalai Lama used in India and the Himalayas in the 1960s and 1970s to visit various encampments. Also included is a donated spot for a teaching session with the Dalai Lama next year in India over a 3 day period. Finally, the winner and a guest can meet Sharon Stone, a follower of the Dalai Lama, at a special event in San Francisco later this month.

eBay :: Dalai Lama Land Rover auction

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