June 09, 2007

Whoo-hoo! Off to Atlanta!

Today's the day -- I'm off to the HOW Conference until Thursday. Probably won't be posting between now and then, but you never know.

The best part (and there are many wonderful parts) is that I get to hang, chat and have bevvies with one of my bestest pals, swissmiss. With any luck, maybe I'll run into some of you guys there. I'll be the midwestern blonde with a big grin, a sassy new short haircut and a drink in her hand. You'll have to take it from there... Peace, kids. (No playing with matches or parties while I'm gone. You hear me?)

HOWconference.com - The creativity, business and technology conference for graphic designers.

p.s. Can anyone tell me where the phrase "Hotlanta" came from? I swear, EVERY time I mention I'm going to Atlanta, the person I'm speaking to is involuntarily compelled to say, "Hotlanta!" I cannot remember for the life of me where this came from, but I'm amazed at how it's embedded itself in people's brains. Major kudos to the agency or firm that came up with that one.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM


    We've got something I'd like to show you at the conference today. Insert elevator pitch here:

    "Web searching hasn't gotten much better since Al Gore invented the internet. That's where Viewzi comes in. We think search should be more about you and what you want to see. We think you should be more in control."

    Seriously, we are very excited about our new search engine and are looking for design experts to give us their two cents. Find us lurking in the halls today at the HOW Conference and win an AppleTV! We are looking for Flash Interface Developers who are interested in being interviewed about this exciting new search platform. We are also looking to recruit developers to help create tomorrow's look in search. Or several of tomorrow's looks in search ;-)

    Watch me on twitter (@giovanni) to find out where we are during the conference today. I'm wearing jeans and a black shirt...and lime green crocs.

    I hope we bump into you today so we can show you what we've got...


  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    bb! it was so great to spend quality time with you!
