April 20, 2007

Meteor shower this weekend.

The Lyrids meteor shower will peak this weekend on April 22nd, though some may be seen now through the 24th. The Lyrids are caused by debris left by comet Thatcher, a comet that visits the inner Solar System every 450 years or so. Its last visit to the inner Solar System was in 1861. [...]

While in most years the hourly rate for the Lyrids is between 10 and 20 meteors per hour, very occasionally the Lyrids will offer us a special treat and reward us will hourly rates as high as 100 per hour and even more during a shorter period at the peak. The last time this occurred was in 1982.

To observe this shower, go outside and look generally toward the your darkest, most unobstructed portion of the sky. While the radiant of this shower is in the constellation of Lyra, rising in the northeast, Lyrids can, and will appear, anywhere in your sky. If it's clear, simply go outside and look up. Try not to miss the Lyrids.

MeteorShowers : Message: Meteor shower this weekend! The Lyrids

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