Now, you know I love robots. However, I'm a little freaked by the thought of a robot writing my blog for me. But not neeearly as frightened as I am of my robot expecting me to get home and tell him about my day...
NEC Corporation announced development of a new system for automatically creating multi-media blogs. The new system has been developed on NEC's prototype robot PaPeRo, and is initialized when a user begins a conversation with PaPeRo about the events of their day, which the system then records and analyzes. Following this, PaPeRo searches for suitable multi-media contents on the internet, including images, illustrations and music, which are automatically uploaded and edited along with the video recording on the user's blog. :: Chat with Robot PaPeRo to create your daily blog
(via the devilishly handsome and talented Oneplusinfinity)
i dontt know about talented, but i am devilishly handsome. :)