February 20, 2007

Sometimes the best Christmas prezzies come in February.

The monk and I headed down to CB2 a few weekends ago, and he got me this mirror as a belated Christmas present. It's a work of art. So beautiful. Best of all, he put it up for me which was a truly heroic feat. The boy is a prince, I tell you.

cb2 :: hudson box mirror


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I loooove that color!

  2. The color is what got me. It's gorgeous.

  3. i love the color, but also the size. i really like square mirrors like this one, but all that i've seen have been considerably smaller. i just love it!

  4. It really does "hold the wall" visually and spatially. It's a great size (28" sq.) but HEAVY for a wall mirror. We (and by "we" I mean the boy) had to reinforce the wall behind it with a cross beam stud -- luckily, there's just a closet behind, so we could do that. And what my building owners don't know won't hurt them...
