December 27, 2006

Library nostalgia.

I gave a happy sigh when I saw these. So many hours at the library, pouring over the NYT Arts section...

(I'm a little annoyed that Alessi -- not one of my fave product design firms -- is taking credit for it.)

Retromodern :: Newspaper Holder for Alessi


  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

    how come you don't like alessi? spill the beans!

  2. Ha! It didn't occur to me that I might get called out on that comment. As much as I love cute, functional design, there's something about Alessi that's too... bubblegum, I guess. I'm not quite sure why it bothers me. I think it's because Alessi products are priced for people that are willing to pay good money for well-designed objects, but the colors and designs just feel juvenile and a little tacky to me. (Though I will admit, I like Alessi's pop-up Q-Tip holder -- I think it's very fun and functional and quite reasonable.)

  3. Anonymous5:38 AM

    i know exactly what you mean. the first time you see an alessi product, you pick it up thinking "how cute! a child's wine opener!" and then get confused. they also have a dark edge which i'm not sure always comes off (mr. suicide, anyone?)

  4. Anonymous5:39 AM

    For a fifth of the price you can get a newspaper holder in the online shop of Germany's best daily newspaper:

    By the way: do you know that Alessi Teapot that scalds your hand everytime you pour water? No further comment.
