April 13, 2003

Schadenfreude at its best.
Possibly one of the funniest sites ever. Real memos from real companies. Who knows how they get them, but thank god they do. How to handle live turkeys invading your workspace. How to piss off your co-workers by putting their Star Wars figurines in compromising positions. Oh, and this one, about a breach in "professionality" at Circuit City:

To: Web Team
cc: MIS/Manager/CircuitCity
Date: 08/15/2001 12:31 PM

Subject: Professionality at work

Today there was another rubber band shooting occurrence. I want to remind you all that this is not acceptable behavior at work. Since I don't know who's shooting the rubber bands, I am going to put a copy of this e-mail into each of your personnel files. Since this is not acceptable behavior, if it continues, it will result in penalty.
- Rick


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